Stage one
Your Application
IMTD Membership Application – Particulars
IMTD Info Pack The Paper for Applications
The Executive will consider your application and if your accompanying paper fulfils the requirements, we will proceed to the next stage.
Stage Two
The Meeting
You will be invited to meet with the Executive on the occasion of one of the quarterly meetings.
The time spent with the Executive will normally be between 15-20 minutes, during which you will be asked to tell them a little about yourself and comment on the paper you have written.
The Chairman of IMTD together with two other members of the Executive will follow up on what you have said with a few questions.
Whilst all members of the Executive will be present, you will only be engaged in conversation with three of them.
Stage three
The Decision
- If you are unsuccessful on this occasion, the Executive will give you reasons as to why they do not feel you are suitable for membership.
- Depending on reasons, they could ask you to make a few adjustments to your application or written paper and re-submit.
The Executive, on behalf of the Institute will formally invite you to become a member.
Stage Four
Your Induction
Once you have been accepted, your membership fee is payable immediately and at that point you will be given your Membership number. This will then authorise you to use the Institute’s insignia on your business stationery and also the post-nominal, M Inst MTD.
Following this, you will be officially inducted into IMTD, being presented with your Membership certificate and badge. This is usually in September on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the Institute. 7

Why is the process sound so stringent?
There is an expectation from our associates that each member is a leading figurehead within their field and this quality of membership helps the IMTD to lobby for our core aims.
We do encourage all interested parties to take an active approach with a national association, indeed many of our members are also active within these organisations and this may be a route where you can help, volunteering your time and expertise.
The meetings often facilitate interesting and knowledgeable guest speakers which can often provoke intriguing and educational debates and conversations about driver training and road safety matters.
Mike Bell M Inst MTD
The IMTD gives me access to all the current uptown date information in this industry. I am able to network with some of the top minds involved Driver training and many other fields. Much of the information Would not normally be a party to through normal information channels.
Karl Satloka F Inst MTD
Be able to access information or have questions or enquiries answered via the IMTD membership.