The Annual General Meeting is held in September.
The Membership elects the President, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and five Members to serve on the Executive Committee on an annual basis. The Executive Committee appoints the Secretary and Treasurer.
The Membership also elect two auditors annually but these posts are not part of the Executive Committee. The Institute hold four meetings each year on a Sunday morning commencing at 10:00AM and concluding at around 1:00PM. They generally fall in March, June, September and December and the dates are set well in advance for the ensuing year. Occasionally we meet at other locations throughout the year, in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
The Institute is a member of the Approved Driving Instructors/National Joint Council (ADI/NJC). It also enjoys good relationships with other driving instructor associations and road safety organisations.

IMTD introduced me to influential and knowledgeable members in the road safety world and through the meetings has significantly increased my understanding of varied wider aspects of Road Safety that would have required considerable time to recognise and research otherwise – it provided that initial ”spark” of thirst for knowledge.
Mike Lyne, M.Inst.MTD
The IMTD has, for me, continues to exceed expectations. Top notch speakers help to complete my requirements of the organisation.
Mike Addis M.Inst.MTD
Delighted to have been a member for nearly thirty years; this helped to boost my role as training manager for Translink Northern Ireland.
Excellent speakers and presentations.
Maurice Kennerdy,
I have been a member of the IMTD for more than 17 years now and have always found the interaction with members, ADI’s and trainers like myself very beneficial and rewarding.
Mike Bell M.Inst.MTD