Your invitation to a meeting enables you to consider whether you would like to become a Member in your own right.
We hope to a greater extent that your attendance will confirm in your mind that you would like to go ahead with the process of becoming a Member.
However, it is important to stress that you may only attend IMTD meetings twice as a guest, after which you must decide if you would like to apply to join. If you decide against making an application, then unfortunately, you will not be able to attend any of our future meetings.
If you have decided to make an application, you can continue to attend during the application process, which must be followed and is explained below:
Having attended as a guest, whether that be after your first or second visit, we would like to think that you would wish to become a Member. There are four stages in the process of initial application to being inducted as a full Member.
Firstly, you will need to complete an application form, submitting it alongside your CV. We request that the application is made electronically and the Secretary will make the necessary form available to you to complete. As well as your application form, you must complete a written paper of 1000-1500 words. to
Membership of IMTD is not just a case of paying the membership fee to join. There is a process to ensure that you have sufficient expertise and technical knowledge to benefit from your membership of the IMTD before your membership is approved.
Regretfully, not everyone makes the grade as the joining process is very demanding, but we do accept applications from other disciplines. Our membership is not limited solely to driver trainers as we are actively seeking to increase our level of expertise across a myriad of disciplines.
You may attend a meeting by invitation from an existing IMTD member or as a guest at the invitation of the Executive Management Committee. At the meeting you will be requested to make an introduction to the meeting members; you may contribute to the discussion but you do not have voting rights. Please see the application prcess here

Dress Code
Most people ask us what the dress code is for meetings. It is simple, dress to attend a business meeting, Most members and guest turn up in either shirt and ties attire or business dresses.
Membership of IMTD – This series of pages gives details about the benefits and advantages of being a Member of the IMTD. If you want to be an extremely well informed ADI.
The institute means an outlet to further my interest in all aspects in road safety. It has rekindled my interest in driving safety, this is done through various speakers who attend the meetings,and each one has been brill, outlining their own expertise, making it very interesting. This is one of the benefits, and having so many influential people on tap for advice. Meeting all the committees when we get back together is great, and all are made welcome.
Len Kerr, M.Inst.M.T.D..
Applying for IMTD Membership?- Membership of IMTD is not just a case of paying the membership fee to join. There is a process to ensure that you have sufficient expertise and technical knowledge