Attending Meetings
It is expected that you attend meetings. The Secretary will send out a notice of the next meeting to you via email, approximately a month in advance.
If you cannot attend the meeting, it is expected that you send your apologies to the Secretary in good time.
The AGM is held in September. Following this meeting the IMTD hold an annual lunch, featuring an after dinner speaker. It is at this lunch that new members are officially inducted and presented with their Membership certificate and badge.
The Secretary will inform members of the cost of tickets and further details about the lunch in due course. You are welcome to invite guests to the lunch and purchase as many tickets as you need.

Attending Meetings
Meeting Location
IMTD Meetings are held at the Holiday Inn by Junction 2 of the M6 which is a modern hotel with good facilities and ample car parking. The hotel is centrally placed in the UK and only a few hundred metres from Junction 2 of the M6.
Meeting Frequency
The IMTD meetings are held four times a year, generally in March, June, September and December. These meetings also provide the opportunity for members to meet and exchange views on matters effecting driver and instructor training and to consider preparations for future development in these areas.
Typical Meeting Content
Through presentations made at these meetings by acknowledged experts in areas of relevance to those in the Driver Training industry, the IMTD membership are informed, educated, and able to ask questions in a Q&A session at the end of every presentation.
Subjects covered at recent meetings of IMTD included:
- Background to ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management Systems and gaining accreditation from Susanne Fribbins from the British Standards Institute.
- The Young Driver problem and Possible Solutions by Emeritus Professor Steve Stradling of Edinburgh Napier University.
- A excellent talk on Driver Licensing (and particularly the issues with PCV, LGV, Minibus, and imported “stretched” Limousines) from a UK Traffic Commissioner. This became an open and very informative Question and Answer session and was a rare and much appreciated opportunity to listen to such a knowledgeable and experienced professional.
- A detailed update on statistics and past, present, and proposed legislation involving recreational drug use by drivers.
- An explanation and a demonstration of the usage of new technology in Driver Training (the picture on the right shows an IMTD Member trying some of the new technology demonstrated).
IMTD Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM is held at the third meeting of the year (usually in September). At the AGM, a new Executive Committee is elected to office for the following year.
Who are the Speakers we organise? With excellent contacts throughout the Driver Training Industry, IMTD can call on a wide variety of knowledgeable, very experienced and interesting Speakers.
IMTD Meetings are held at the Holiday Inn by Junction 2 of the M6 which is a modern hotel with good facilities and ample car parking. The hotel is centrally placed in the UK.
In our ever-changing world of transport, the IMTD showcases the best in safe driving. Speakers are specialists in their field, and my knowledge increases with each meeting. I feel it is a privilege to be associated with such enthusiastic members who are always happy to share their expertise.
Phillip Burman, M.Inst.M.T.D.