07748303545 Secretary@imtd.org.uk

Neil Wightman


I’m Neil Wightman owner of an multi-award winning driving training company. My role in the company is to lead as a role model to the other instructors. Qualified instructor & instructor trainer, ORDIT registered trainer with the Dvsa.

My company runs franchises for driving instructors and they are a great team . I am a big believer in CPD -continuous professional development . 

Passion for road safety is of vital importance , I spent 17 years as a retained leading firefighter attending various incidents that could have been avoided. I’m am also a diamond advanced regional examiner for the DIA and write articles for them around all types of things road related . 


I am accredited practitioner coach with the IAPC&M (APC ) also accredited workplace mentor with the IAPC&M (APM ) . I have great pleasure in being elected to the committee of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving . 



Neil Wightman Grade A instructor. M.Inst.MTD

Thinking of joining the IMTD

If you want to come to one of our meetings please email me at secretary@imtd.org.uk with a bit about yourself and I will be able to invite you as my guest.


Mobile 07812364861

Email neilwightman1@sky.com

The days of having just one income stream have long gone! 

In spite of the cost of living it’s still popular

Don’t be afraid to invest time in getting to know people and learning from them you won’t regret the results

The key to working well with any group of people is communication