07748303545 Secretary@imtd.org.uk


With excellent contacts throughout the Driver Training Industry, IMTD can call on a wide variety of knowledgeable,  very experienced and interesting Speakers to update our Members.    Basically people who are truly ‘Experts‘ within their areas of specialisation.

The following are the Speakers who have given us presentations at our Meetings during 2017 and 2018.

  • Paul Ripley (CEO of The Driving Doctor)
    He has had 40 years experience in the Driver Training Industry, has created many driver/driving related companies, has written regularly in Auto Express, the Daily Telegraph, and won a Prince Michael Road Safety Award.
  • Ian Wynne (Lead Performance Consultant with PBM Probiometrtics)
    He was a former Olympic Sprint Kayaker for many years and when he retired, he brought his sports training knowledge and experience into Driver Training and how to enhance performance and be more relaxed when driving.
  • Steve Procter (Honorary Associate with TMS Consultancy)
    A dedicated cyclist for commuting, shopping, and leisure who has spent many years analysing road collisions involving cyclists and audits the design of roads from a cyclist’s viewpoint as well as those under construction.
  • John Sheridan (Driving Training Policy Manager with DVSA) 
    He covered the areas of Quality Control of DVSA’s ADI Examiners, Training at Cardington as well as the new ‘Part 3’.  He also ensures that ADI Examiners are aware of new and developing in-Car Technology.
  • Toni Watkins-Burton (Senior Instructor at Peeks Diver Education Centre)
    He discussed the future technology being introduced to update the LGV industry with ’Platooning’ (a semi-autonomous lead LGV with several others behind (no driver) autonomously following behind but electronically controlled by the lead LGV) and ‘Convoying’ (a driven LGV with several others behind (with a driver) using Adaptive Speed Control, Automatic Braking … and other automated functions to be able to follow the lead LGV.
  • Ian Edwards (Managing Director at eDriving Solutions) 
    Explained the work he currently carries out on human behavioural changes when driving. He is currently working with ‘Older’ Drivers
  • Andrew Love (Fleet Audit Manager with RoSPA)
    His work involves looking at strategy to reduce risks and costs overall from accidents to company Fleets
  • David Davies (Executive Director of PACTS – Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety)
    This was not a presentation but an open discussion on what PACTS was doing and answering questions from the IMTD Members.

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Being able to attend and take part in workshops/presentations run by leading experts covering diverse motoring topics at the IMTD quarterly Meetings.

The cost of these routine meetings is totally free – it is covered by your Membership Fee.