07748303545 Secretary@imtd.org.uk

IMTD achievements in the driver training industry

The IMTD will often act as a professionally-minded  pressure group, encouraging key people to take note of issues relating to our core goals.

Our achievements include many successful campaigns such as:

  • The registration of all professional driving instructors and raising the standards for qualification; thus helping create a minimum standard for all driver trainers.
  • Improvement of the quality of the driving test, the IMTD played a key role to include parking manoeuvres on the learner driving test.
  • Produced a benchmark white-paper entitled “Teaching Deaf People To Drive“.  This important document was formulated by the late Elwyn Reed MBE, Fellow of IMTD.  A copy of this useful document is available from the link above.
  • Supported and lobbied for the administration of the register of ADI Training establishments.
  • Supported and lobbied for the harmonisation of driving tests within the European Union.
  • The hard work of the late John Milne MBE, Fellow of IMTD, resulted in the accreditation of the NVQ in Driving Instruction Level 3.

The IMTD continues to work with differing bodies both private and public and will look to provide assistance to the Department for Transport by examining the effectiveness of driver training and testing.  Through the knowledge and experience of our members we are able to give a highly accurate expert point of view and in doing so help save lives through increasing driver performance for all road users.

In 2017 the IMTD celebrated 60 years!

Network amongst some of the acknowledged best Road Safety and Driver Training experts in the Industry/Profession in the UK.

Being a member of what is an elite Road Safety and Training organisation to enhance your professional business.


Being able to attend and take part in workshops/presentations run by leading experts covering diverse motoring topics at the IMTD quarterly Meetings.

The cost of these routine meetings is totally free – it is covered by your Membership Fee.